Thursday, 1 June 2017

PROTEGE - how to develop ontology using protege.

Task 2.1: Creating the Classes
1.     Start protege and start a new Ontology.
2.     Enter an Ontology URI. We are using the following URI:
3.     Save it in the local file as university.owl.
4.     Go to the Classes tab.
5.     The empty class tree contains 1 class called Thing, which is superclass of everything.
6.     Create class Person as subclass of Thing.
7.     Create Lecturer and Student as the subclasses of Person.
8.     Create class Module as subclass of Thing.
9.     Create CSModule and MathModule as the subclasses of Module
10.  The classes should look like Figure 1.0. 
11.  Make all classes disjoint with each other.

Task 2.2 Creating the Object Properties
1.     Switch to the Object Properties tab.
2.     Use Add subProperty button to create a new object property (notice that all object properties are subproperties of topObject Property)
3.     Create a new object property studies and select Student and Module as its domain and range respectively.
4.     Create another new object property teaches and select Lecturer and Module as its domain and range respectively. 
5.     The object properties should look like Figure 2.0
Task 2.3 Adding Data Properties
1.     Switch to the Data Properties tab.
2.     Use add sub property button to create a new data property (all data properties are subproperties of topDataProperty).
3.     Create a new data property first_name and select Person and string as its domain and range respectively.
4.     Create a new data property last_name and select Person and string as its domain and range respectively.
5.     Create another new data property staffID and select Lecturer and integer as its domain and range respectively.
6.     Create another new data property studentID and select Student and integer as its domain and range respectively.
7.     The data properties should like Figure 3.0.
Task 2.4 Adding some Individuals (Instances)
1.     Switch to the individuals tab.
2.     Create new individuals CS101 and CS103. Click on Types and choose CSModule for each of them.
3.     Create new individuals M201 and M204. Click on Types and choose Math-Module for each of them.
4.     Create new individuals Lecturer1, Lecturer2. Click on Types and choose Lecturer for each of them.
5.     Click on Lecturer1 and:
a.      Add Data property assertions: first_name of type string and Larisa.
b.     Add another Data property assertions: last_name of type string and value Soldatova.
c.      Add another Data property assertions: staffID of type integer and value 417686.
6.     Click on Lecturer2 and add Object property assertions: teaches CS103 and teaches M201.
7.     Add Data properties for Lecturer2.
8.     Create new individuals Student1, Student2, and Student3. Click on Types and choose Student for each of them.
9.     Click on Student1 and add Object property assertions: studies M204, studies M201 and studies CS101.
10.  Click on Student1 and:
a.      Add Data property assertions: first_name of type string and value
b.     Add another Data property assertions: last_name of type strring and value
c.      Add another Data property assertions: studentID of type integer and value
11.  Click on Student2 and add Object property assertions: studies M204.
12.  Click on Student3 and add Object property assertions: studies M201 and studies CS103.
13.  Add Data properties for Student2 and Student3.
     14.  The individuals should look like Figure 4.0.

Task 2.5 Saving/Publishing the Ontology
1.     Save it in the local file as university.owl.
2.Make it available online (we are using

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